
Surgeries I attended in 2023 intramedullary nail surgery for femoral fractures Lung decortication Total hip arthroplasty T h oracoscopic sympathectomy  
  Orthopedics   Total hip arthroplasty day : Monday,31, July,2023 Place:  Nariman orthopedic hospital Time:  9:00 am Anatomy The hip is one of the body's largest joints. It is a ball-and-socket joint. The socket is formed by the acetabulum, which is part of the pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone). The bone surfaces of the ball and socket are covered with articular cartilage, a smooth tissue that cushions the ends of the bones and enables them to move easily. A thin tissue called the synovial membrane surrounds the hip joint. In a healthy hip, this membrane makes a small amount of fluid that lubricates the cartilage and eliminates almost all friction during hip movement. Bands of tissue called ligaments (the hip capsule) connect the ball to the socket and provide stability to the joint. Common Causes of Hip Pain - Osteoarthritis - Rheumatoid arthritis - Posttraumatic arthriti s - Osteonecrosis Description During hip replacement,
Thoracic surgery  Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy day:Tuesday Patient: a 9 year-old girl Patients with primary  hyperhidrosis  (excessive sweating) have the option of undergoing a surgical procedure called thoracoscopic sympathectomy. The operation is also known  as endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy or minimally invasive thoracic sympathectomy. The sweat glands are stimulated by nerve fibers that arise from the spinal cord and run along each side of the spine in what is called the sympathetic chain. The thoracoscopic sympathectomy interrupts the sympathetic chain, preventing the nerve signals that originate in the spine from reaching and stimulating the sweat glands. This sympathetic chain is interrupted by cutting it  which is an irreversible procedure. The sweat glands in each area of the body are controlled by nerves that arise at a specific level of the spine; therefore, the sympathetic chain must be interrupted only at the specific level that controls the affected areas. For primary h
  ( 1) Thoracic  surger y Left lung decortication     Da y : Tuesday               Date : 24/7/2023          Patient          gender : male    age: 3 years old the patient had pneumonia in his left lung which developed into empyema Lung decortication is a simple yet formidable procedure. It involves the excision of the thick fibrinous peel from the pleural surface , thereby permitting the expansion of the underlying lung parenchyma. Patients with long-standing empyema, pleural thickening, hemothorax, and pleural tumors are candidates for decortication. Technique Skin incision: The skin incision swings downwards, beginning at a level midway between the spinous process to the tip of the scapula. The anterior limit is the mid-axillary or anterior axillary line. This incision extends around 2 inches below the tip of the scapula. The incision is deepened using the electrocautery. The latissimus dorsi and the serratus anterior muscles are divided using the electrocautery. The tip of the
Orthopedics Intramedullary nail (IM nail) surgery for femoral (thigh bone) fractures  day : Monday,24 July,2023 Place:  Nariman orthopedic hospital Time:  9:00 am What is intramedullary nail surgery? During this procedure, a metal rod is inserted into the centre of the femur then fixed at both ends with screws.